Anti stroke campaign
Anti stroke campaign

Whether the ruler provokes dread is under his control, and practitioners of statecraft should confine their efforts to domains they can control. People can grant their affections, withhold them, or grant them and then withdraw them for any reason-or for no reason at all. Forced to choose, however, it is safer to be feared than loved. Choose! The Florentine observes wryly-you can almost see his Mona Lisa smile as he says it-that a sage ruler would prefer to have it both ways. First, he considers whether a prince should enact policies that make him feared or loved by his subjects. Two passages from Machiavelli bear on the anti-extremist campaign. Otherwise animosity toward the leadership could fester-making the effort self-defeating. Such a purge, he says, demands measures that are at once harsh and discriminate. He depicts purifying a city or institution ridden with corruption as one of the foremost acts of statecraft, alongside founding a society anew or managing turbulence in the institution’s surroundings. As a rule, though, his ideas are subtler, more interesting, and more actionable than the caricature.

Anti stroke campaign how to#

Machiavelli is known-and commonly caricatured-for his bareknuckles views on how to survive and thrive in a world ruled by vice, deceit, and lust for power. Both are well worth any military chieftain’s time. Machiavelli holds forth on how to found and renovate institutions in The Prince, his best-known work, and in his Discourses on Roman and Italian history.

Anti stroke campaign